Post photos or text or other miscellaneous files to IPFS while metadata and a hash of the file contents is stored to Bluzelle TestNet database. App provides a means to lookup previous notarized items, ability to pull up a proof, etc. Can also delete items. App allows you to select existing photos or take a new photo to post.
Requirements:Deploy a P2P mobile app (iOS and Android) that lets you create questions with multiple choice answers, as well as be able to answer questions already asked as well as view the results of existing questions already asked. People vote with their bluzelle TestNet address. You only get to vote once on a question. All data stored on Bluzelle TestNet database.
Requirements:Bluzelle allows leases to store data for periods of time, and charges in crypto for the length of the lease. Leases can range from seconds to minutes to hours to days to years to “forever”.
Bluzelle is also keenly interested in free speech, and ensuring that information that gets censored by centralized authorities (governments, dictatorships, special interest groups, trolls, etc) is NOT lost. Often, it is the information that gets censored that is MOST important to the public interest. Bluzelle believes in the dissemination of true and honest information without being constrained by authorities.
We ask the developer to build an application that has two parts:
A “crawler” that goes to websites (e.g. social media) and looks for posts with tags and content that are likely to get censored. Anything that matches such criteria might be a candidate. Any such “candidates” will be stored to Bluzelle with a very long lease. The lease would apply possibly based on the tags and the site in question. In some cases, a “forever” lease would make sense.
A responsive (PC, mobile-friendly) website that lets the user freely view the latest content that is “cached” on Bluzelle. It is vital for anybody to view what was censored and in fact, highlight more prominently what was censored more recently, with more force, etc. It is up to the developer of this bounty to determine these metrics. Our goal here is to ensure that any content that gets censored gets highlighted as relevant and ensure that censorship is “punished” by spotlighting information that gets censorship.
Look at:
A version of the mobile app for iOS and Android that works with Bluzelle’s TestNet, allowing people to do the same functionality with their TestNet wallets. Should be reasonable skinned to have Bluzelle logos and colors and fonts.
Note that Lunie is still early in test and might be harder to work with. A version of the mobile app for iOS and Android that works with Bluzelle’s TestNet, allowing people to do the same functionality with their TestNet wallets. Should be reasonable skinned to have Bluzelle logos and colors and fonts.
Please refer to the BLZJS repo:
We need libraries similar to BLZJS in each of the following languages. We will look at the completeness of your submission, including unit tests and a sample folder with an example of use, config, etc.